
Leadership's Impact on Sales Force Culture

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10 June
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11:30 am
12:30 pm

About the Session

Sales leaders often talk about sales culture, but how many work proactively to shape positive cultures in their organizations? Many assume culture is a construct too vague to define, let alone manage. In doing so, they miss an opportunity to harness one of the most impactful drivers of sales productivity.

This webcast examines sales culture – its characteristics, determinants, and impacts –and focuses on how sales culture can positively affect salesperson engagement, retention, and productivity. Topics include:

  • Defining sales culture, and understanding what it really is (and isn’t).
  • Identifying culture’s impact on salesperson performance, job satisfaction, and retention.
  • Identifying inconsistencies in sales organizations’ stated values and salesperson experience.
  • Avoiding three culture-based mistakes that diminish salesperson motivation.
  • Key leadership actions that impact positive sales culture.
  • How sales managers can more effectively connect with sales teams while fostering productive culture.
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